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Corso Linfodrenaggio Manuale _BeautySpaTherapist

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Lymphatic Drainage Course
Course program of manual lymphatic drainage
Introduction to the course;
Importance of contact;
Emotional current that must be expressed, brief history on the massage; Disease and Spirituality;
Holistic medicine and allopathic medicine, different uses;
Structure of the individual, and its various areas: physical - chemical – spiritual - emotional - mental – energetic
Stress (know it, reduce it, delete it), psychic symptoms, somatic symptoms, methods of stress reduction;
Massage and hand care as a working tool;
Professional ethics, what you have not to do, and \ or not to say;
When not working,  partial and total contraindications for the  massage;

About "Neuro lymphatic" Points: location, what they are, history;
"Tai Chi" Movements;
Operator posture;
The basic maneuvers of lymphatic drainage massage;
The "Pequet" tanker;
Detailed approach to the particular use of water: mineral, natural thermal etc .;
Detoxifying schemes for kidneys - bladder - skin - intestine - liver – bile ducts – stomach;
Food Brief;

"Cellulite treatment" NATURAL BEAUTY Techniques:
the use of mud; Peeling, coffee poultices, lemon massage, hay bath, cold and heat bendage,

Practice among participants

Duration: 3 days

Teacher: Masseur Kinesiologist Cristian Senisi

Fee Master Lymphatic Drainage Course

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